Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Celebrating Adam and Nicole

The time had come for my dear cousin, Nicole, to wed her prince and ride off into the sunset. Nearly ten years ago, Nicole shared in my wedding day and now Caleb and I would share in hers. What an honor! The weekend was nonstop activity. With the much appreciated help from Grandma and Papa, we made it through the stressful moments and had great fun making memories through it all! We finished packing for our trip within our trip and set out to meet Papa in Saginaw where he had spoke at a youth conference that morning. One happy meal later, we were back on the road. We reached Mt. Pleasant late afternoon with just enough time for everyone to enjoy a nap, everyone that is except Caleb! So after a day in the car and no nap, we got ready and made our way to rehearsal! It was wonderful to see Nicole so in love and ready to be Mrs. Barragatto! Caleb was superb and even clapped for everyone during introductions. Once the Pastor determined everyone was ready to go, rehearsal ended. Nicole gave the bridesmaids beautiful jewelry, custom made by her Dad. Everyone made their way to the Italian Oven for an Italian feast! As Nicole and Adam made introductions, they gave everyone a t-shirt with the 'Team Barragatto' logo. My eyes filled with tears as Nicole shared how she had always looked up to me. Caleb was given a Curious George shirt which he couldn't put on fast enough! After the team picture, Caleb was ready to call it a night. Back at the hotel, in his pajamas, he decided he wanted to go to the pool. Of course, why not! Grandma, Caleb and I made our way to the pool only to discover it was cold! We let Caleb splash in the 'hot' tub that was only slightly warmer than the pool. When I started to get goose bumps in the 'hot' tub, we finally called it a night! After a sleepless night, morning came especially early. After a battle with the shower and a cup of black hotel coffee, it was time to meet the girls at the salon! The stylists did a fabulous job. Everyone was gorgeous, but most of all the bride! It was time to get dressed, wish my parents well in getting Caleb dressed and get to the theater for pictures. Unbeknownst to me, Caleb fell asleep right before my parents needed to get him dressed. Waking Caleb is never a good idea. After debating whether or not to bring him to the theater in his pajamas, they woke him and began the process of putting a toddler in a tux! When I met up with them at the church, my Mom had a 'look' and I knew better than to ask questions. My Dad said, "He's dressed, but there are still pieces in the bag that we didn't know what to do with." Priceless! It didn't matter, Caleb couldn't have looked better. Now all we had to do was get him down the aisle, easier said than done. He was more interested in playing with my paper fan than carrying his pillow. At the last second and the promise of Grandma waiting for him with M&M's, we made our way down the aisle. God is there in the big and the small, always bringing peace to this anxious mom. The wedding was a beautiful display of Nicole and Adam's commitment to one another and most importantly their commitment to keeping Christ in the driver's seat! Caleb slept during the ceremony, which was just fine! Pictures were taken under the old marquee and then it was time for Papa to fulfill his promise to Caleb. Papa told Caleb that if he walked down the aisle, he could get his picture taken on the diggers at the construction site just down from the theater. Not a bad trade off for a toddler boy! Everyone met up at Buck's Run Golf Course for yet more pictures before the celebration officially got underway. My Mom did an amazing job of keeping Caleb entertained. I couldn't have done it without her! She's a superhero! We visited with family and snapped candid photos on the patio overlooking the golf course. It was finally time for dinner and the wedding party to be introduced. Caleb was not all that interested in dinner; he needed to run and play! After another walk or two with Grandma, he finally got his chance to burn some energy. It was time to hit the dance floor, and boy did he ever. He danced nonstop, with moves that he did not acquire from Matt or I. The first slow song started to play and Caleb was devastated over having to leave the dance floor. He settled for running around the tables in the back of the room while he anxiously awaited the next fast song. Watching him dance, was by far, the highlight of the evening. The time had come to say our goodbyes and make our way home. Everyone was tired and Caleb was rapidly shedding his clothes. Thank you Adam and Nicole for letting us share in your day in such a special way. Congratulations! We love you!

Ready for rehearsal
Bride & Groom
Team Barragatto posing for a pic at the Italian Oven
A Curious George shirt from Nicole and M&M's from Grandma Sandy....Life is Good 
Nicole and Aunt Sharon sharing a moment at the salon
With the bride at the salon
Dressed and ready to go, well one of us
Off to the theater with Steven, Sammy, Uncle Ray and Aunt Sharon
Uncle Ray helping Caleb with his boutineer
Caleb and Uncle Ray
Grandma & Pa
Aunt Carolyn & Uncle Ron
Caleb and I after the wedding
Sorry ladies, he's with me
Theater Marquee
Caleb attempting to unbutton his jacket like the big boys
Wedding Party pics outside the theater
under the marquee
Mr. and Mrs. Barragatto 
Celebrating Adam and Nicole
Caleb's treat for making it down the aisle
This wedding stuff has its perks
At Buck's Run, wishing Matt could celebrate with us
Caleb snapping pictures with his toy Cars phone from Grandma 
Avery and Nicole ready for the dance floor
Sammy & Steven
Aunt Carolyn, Aunt Sharon & Mom
Stacy, Aunt Carolyn, Aunt Sharon, Nicole, Mom & I
My beautiful cousins and I
Capturing a moment with the bride
Am I making myself clear?
Grandma and Caleb
Papa and Caleb
Grandma, Papa and Caleb
Caleb and Grandma going for a walk
Keeping her hubby looking his best
Taking time to stop and smell the flowers
Doing his best bunny impression
At the reception, looking as handsome as ever
Time for a sweet treat
Let's start with the frosting
Grandma and Papa on the dance floor

Taking a break from the dance floor
It's been fun, but I've had enough

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