Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Caleb Gets a Library Card

On August 21st, just 5 days after his 3rd birthday, Caleb visited his new pediatrician in Tucson for his yearly checkup. I'm very proud to say, he was an exceptional patient and got a thumbs up from his doctor! He measured 39'" and weighed 40.5 lbs! No calorie intake problems with this guy! As a reward, we took him to the library where he selected a few children's books to take home. The librarian signed him up for his own account, let him select a library card and loaded him up with stickers. We left the library with one proud and healthy little boy!

Giving a thumbs up after getting weighed and measured

Check out time

Outside the library proudly showing off his new library card

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