Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Caleb's 3rd Birthday

Two days after returning from our adventures in Michigan, Caleb turned 3! The celebration began the evening prior to his birthday and went well into the following week as he continued to receive packages and cards from back home. His birthday was nonstop fun and, best of all, Daddy didn't have to work! Our family was once again complete which made the day that much sweeter. We're grateful everyday for Caleb, the precious gift we've been given, and all the joy he brings. Happy Birthday Caleb Dean Anderson. Mommy and Daddy love you so very much!

Happy to be back home with Daddy! Enjoying some family time at the park! 
An early birthday present of crayons and hoops for the tub....just in time for his last bath as a two year old! 
Good Morning Fireman Caleb....a sweet treat for our sweet boy 
Starting the morning off right with a trip to the park 
It wouldn't be a trip to the park without throwing a rock or two in the river 
Sharing a hug with my precious 3 year old at his lunch of choice, Panda Express 
After lunch, Caleb requested dessert. We decided he will only turn three once and made a stop at Taco Bell for Cinnamon Twists before heading home for a recharge!
Oh My! Check out all these goodies!
Thank you Uncle Mark for such an awesome package!
Skype time with Gram and Papa as he opened their package.  What's this, Cars underpants? Cool!
I love that he still gets excited over the simple things, like the bow on his gift. I hope that never changes because that's what life is all about! Thank you Gram and Papa for the cash register and so much more. We love you!
At Monkey Business for another round of birthday fun! 
Having fun playing games and collecting tickets for the prize counter! 
It wouldn't be a trip to Monkey Business without Daddy winning Caleb a dinosaur or two! 
Happy Birthday Buddy! 
Loading his tickets into the counter
At the prize counter, where he realized  he was lacking just a few tickets....
so it was back to the fish game, where Daddy won him some additional tickets....
for the prize he really wanted, a sword!
Back at home opening his firemen card from Mommy and Daddy! It even has a siren!
Since moving to Arizona, Caleb mastered his toy golf clubs, hitting many balls into the wash behind our home. We decided to feed his interest and get him his first real driver and iron!
Look, golf balls!
A new Fireman Sam DVD!
You can't play firemen without walkie talkies!
The highlight of the day, his very own fireman outfit complete with ax, fire extinguisher and gas mask! Not a day goes by that he does not play fireman!
Outside, under the patio lights, trying out his new clubs! 
Time for ice cream cake
He opted to use his new fire extinguisher (spray bottle) to put out the candle!
Good work Fireman Caleb; you did it! The fire is out!
Our handsome hero
Trying out his gas mask before calling it a day!
The next morning putting out chalk fires in the backyard!
The celebration continued on through the next week as he kept receiving birthday packages! 
Thumbs up for the Lincoln Logs from Uncle Mike!
Uncle Mike's card came with a pirate sock puppet.....coolest card ever!
Thank you Uncle Mike!

Can it be? Another package for me?

A Thomas book! Can we read it tonight, please?
My very own M&M dispenser...life is good!
Thank you Papa Dave and Grandma Sandy for this deliciously sweet birthday gift and awesome potty training incentive!  We love and miss you!

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