Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Strong Man Competition

It was campfire night! Caleb watched as Papa collected sticks for the fire and cut the larger branches with pruners. This gave Caleb an idea! He ran and found his adjustable wrench. Papa saw the gears grinding and played along. Papa found some small sticks for Caleb to 'snip with his pruners'. Papa held the stick, and as Caleb squeezed the wrench, Papa snapped the stick. Caleb was so animated as he gave all he had to snap these sticks. He was having so much fun that he decided to find some more sticks. However, the sticks that he found were much larger and more challenging for Papa to snap. Caleb and Papa both worked up a sweat, and we were all overcome with laughter. A definite trip highlight!

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