Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Great Grandma's Surprise

With a little assistance from Grandma and Mommy, Caleb created a beautiful bouquet of colorful foam flowers for Great Grandma's 81st birthday. He decorated the vase with stickers. To support the flowers, Grandma filled the vase with pearls. We finished it off by inserting a picture of Caleb among the flowers. The following morning, Caleb and Grandma went to purchase a real bouquet. When they walked in, Caleb spotted a purple African Violet. He didn't need to look further, that was the one he wanted. We finally had everything we needed to complete our surprise, and it was time to go visit Great Grandma and Pa. Since her birthday was not for a few days, she was more than surprised that we arrived with a party just for her. After receiving her gifts and opening her card, we sat down and enjoyed a doughnut and a visit.
Pa & Great Grandma

Caleb sitting with Grandma, showing Pa his toy train

Grandma, Pa & Great Grandma

Me & my grandparents

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