Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

On Mother's Day, Matt went for doughnuts and we all enjoyed a sweet treat. Caleb and Daddy disappeared briefly and Caleb came running out with a pink bag and said, "Happy Mother's Day!". He then assisted with the opening of my cards and gift. Caleb had picked out a very fitting monkey card with sound and new baking spatulas. It was then time to get ready for church where Caleb colored me a picture. That afternoon, Matt and I enjoyed some quite time in the sun while Caleb napped. For dinner, it was steaks on the grill, Greek salad, French Bread and apple pie with ice cream! Matt then captured some pics of Caleb and I in the backyard. 

Hiding out in the lawn chair fort
Me and my little man
I Love You!

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