Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Monday Morning Excitement

With Monday morning comes the arrival of the garbage truck. With his own garbage truck in hand, Caleb is at the window anxiously awaiting the garbage man to round the corner. Our trash is picked up in a matter of seconds, but watching his excitement build prior to that moment is priceless. 
Oh the joy that the simple things bring!

Standing lookout

Making the rounds with his truck

Look Mom!

The moment he's been waiting for

See you next week 


  1. Love it!! Our kids used to wait for hours, then try to get him to honk the horn! When he did, they'd run through the house and try again from the front porch!!

    So happy to,hear about how things are going for you! ;)

  2. That's what we did when we visited and you were in Bisbee. Soon Uncle Mark and Uncle Michael can experience the Monday Morning excitement.
