Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sugar Cookies

After our hike at Catalina State Park, we ventured home for our next Easter weekend activity. Caleb and I found the cookie cutters and sprinkles and began to mix and roll out sugar cookies. After the cookies had baked and cooled, it was finally time to decorate!
A little flour and some cookie cutters make for great fun!
Grandma Ann taught me that!

Everything we need to start decorating!

Caleb chose to start with yellow for the ducks.
Next would be green lambs followed by pink bunnies and blue eggs.

Sugar Cookie + Frosting + Sprinkles = YUMMY

Just a few more shakes!

Official Taste Test

1 comment:

  1. Those cookies look yummy. I see Caleb didn't save any for me.
