Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Coloring Easter Eggs

We ended the day before Easter by decorating Easter eggs with Caleb for the very first time!

Caleb with his Easter Egg Coloring Kit he received in his Easter package
 from Papa Dave and Grandma Sandy

All set up and ready to go

Coloring eggs is serious business

These color tablets sure take a long time to dissolve

Caleb selected green, his favorite color, for the first egg

Daddy instructing Caleb on the art of coloring eggs

After watching Daddy, it was time for Caleb to give it a try 

Proudly displaying their finished product

1 comment:

  1. Caleb looks like the egg coloring was a little boring. Now if it was M & M coloring it would be a different story.
