Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Catalina State Park

We began Easter weekend with a trip to Catalina State Park in search of Arizona wildflowers. The park is at the base of the Catalina Mountains, and has several trails. The Nature Trail is a one mile loop through the desert, and it was perfect for exploring with Caleb. Some wildflowers were past peak, but we still managed to find several flowers and cacti in bloom.

Looking back after ascending the hill in search of the trail head

Catalina Mountains

Setting out on the Nature Trail

Prickly Pear Cactus and views of the Catalina Mountains

Mexico Thistle 

A beautiful butterfly crossed the trail


Mexico Plumseed


California Poppy

Wooly Star

Pink Flower Hedgehog Cactus

Home of a Cactus Wren

Mommy and Caleb leading the way



This section of the trail took us past Saguaros and  large rocks


A quick stop to capture the joy of the morning

One of many lizards Caleb spotted along the trail

After our hike, Caleb insisted we go to a "real park"!
We ended our adventure with a Jimmy John's picnic lunch at one of Caleb's favorite destinations, a park with swings and a slide!

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