Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Easter Weekend 2013

This Easter we were blessed to be surrounded by family. Gram and Papa were still in Tucson, and Mark and Chelsea made the drive from California. It was a delight meeting Chelsea, Mark's very sweet girlfriend, and having her share in our weekend adventures. The days leading up to Easter were spent exploring some of Tucson's best, sharing stories around the campfire and playing numerous games of Euchre. We celebrated Easter together at Vision, and Caleb enjoyed the sweet treats and surprises left by the Easter Bunny. The weekend came and went quickly, but we are so grateful for the time we had and the memories we made.

 Hiking at Gates Pass

 Old Tucson Studios


Hiking at Catalina State Park

Celebrating Easter

Easter Evening in the Park

Until Our Next Adventure...

Thanks for the Memories!
We love you!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Our Tucson Staycation

Just prior to our 10th anniversary, Matt and I enjoyed a staycation while Caleb spent the weekend having fun with Gram and Papa. We love exploring with Caleb, but we also treasure the rare moments we have together. Below our some pics we captured while hiking at Picacho Peak and enjoying a breathtaking sunset at Gates Pass. I am thankful for the love Matt and I share, and I can't imagine doing life with anyone else. 

Picacho Peak

Gates Pass