Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Halloween Fun 2012

Halloween was a week long event this year! It included a surprise package, pumpkin carving and trunk or treat! The surprise package, or 'Halloween in a Box' as we called it, included everything needed to have a Halloween party. Papa Dave and Grandma Sandy went all out with this one! The box was overflowing with candy, doughnuts, cider, activities, decorations and even a little pumpkin! Caleb was so excited to have a pumpkin just his size! We decorated the dining room and enjoyed munchies and a new activity each day leading up to Halloween. Then came pumpkin carving with master carver, Daddy! We lit the creatively, carved pumpkins under the light of the full moon! We wrapped up the festivities with trunk or treat at church! Caleb, of course, went dressed as a fireman! We decorated our trunk, handed out loads of candy and made new friends all while enjoying the sounds of the Vision Church Band! 

I got a package! I got a package!

Chocolate covered pretzels, YES!

Halloween in a Box!
Thank you Grandma Sandy & Papa Dave!

Caleb's 'just my size' pumpkin

In full gear and ready for action

Caleb and our family of pumpkins

Oh, those eyes!

Posing for his Halloween picture

Decorating for Halloween complete!

Candy for Caleb, leaves for Mommy

Happy Boy!

Time to get our hands dirty!

After a scoop or two...

he decided this job was better left to Daddy

At first glance, I see a resemblance :)

Daddy's biggest fan smiling for the camera

Carving complete, time to find candles!

Jack O' Lanterns aglow under the full moon

Cider and doughnuts, YUM!

Caleb sporting my childhood costume

Caleb's pumpkin transformed into a spider with the help of his decorating kit from Grandma and Papa 

Caught with his hand in the candy bowl

Decorating complete, let the festivities begin!

Trunk or Treating with Daddy

Pastor Toby and the Vision Band

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