Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Fall Color on Mt. Lemmon

My favorite season had arrived! However, fall in Arizona doesn't exactly have the same feel as it does in Michigan. Changing leaves and crisp, cool autumn air are not things found in Tucson unless, of course, you're willing to make the journey up Mt. Lemmon!  Matt read that color had been reported on the mountain, and that weekend we were on a mission to find it! We had reached 8000 feet, and we were beginning to wonder if what Matt had read was accurate. There was no color to be found, but we trekked on! Not too much further down the road, we arrived at the Mount Lemmon Ski Valley to find it ablaze with color! The air was crisp and the display of color was spectacular! Thank you God for placing a little piece of Northern Michigan in the desert for us to discover and enjoy! What a gift!

Mt. Lemmon Ski Valley Aglow

Fun Family Photos 

Hiking at the Summit

Exploring at Summerhaven

Our Journey Home

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