Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Packages from home

Nothing brings a bigger smile than a package from home! Yesterday, Caleb received just that! Except this time he was seeing double! He received a package from Papa Dave & Grandma Sandy and Papa Bob & Gram!  Both packages contained M&M's and stickers, and he had just hit the jackpot! 

He was instantly covered in stickers and wondering how long before he could have a treat.   

A BIG Thank You to Papa Bob, Gram, Papa Dave & Grandma Sandy!
We love and miss you!

Caleb wasn't the only one to receive a package on Thursday. Matt also received  a package from the Sports Turf Managers Association congratulating him on achieving Certified Sports Field Manager status! He took the certification exam in January of this year at the Sports Turf Conference in Long Beach, CA. 

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny that both "grands" sent the same packages on the same days. Caleb looks happy. Is that from sampling all the M & Ms?

    I haven't seen Matt wearing red for a long time. I'll have to get used to new team colors.

