Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Good Times with Uncle Mark & Uncle Mike

We had the pleasure of spending a long weekend with Matt's brothers, Mark and Mike. Matt's parents arranged for us to meet in Tucson as a college graduation present for Mike. It was a highly anticipated weekend, especially for Caleb, who absolutely adores his uncles. The weekend was spent sampling Tucson and simply being together.

Mike arrived Thursday evening, and Caleb didn't let him out of his sight.

Friday morning at the zoo with Mike and Caleb.
Most kids visit the zoo for the animals, Caleb goes for the grass play area!

Off to campus with Uncle Mike and Daddy

Gathering rocks at our picnic site on Mt. Lemmon

Uncle Mark demonstrating for Caleb what not to do

Matt, Mark & Mike

Mike and Mark exploring at Windy Point

Caleb hiding out in the shade while his uncles explore

Saturday evening at the playground

On campus kicking the soccer ball

Just prior to leaving for the airport, wishing we didn't have to say goodbye

Hugs for Uncle Mike

Hugs for Uncle Mark

Enjoying an extra evening with Uncle Mike after his flight was cancelled

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