Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Celebrating Mom!

It brought me great joy to be with my Mom as she celebrated her 60th birthday! The party had a few less guests than I had always envisioned, but it turned out beautifully and she was genuinely surprised. With some covert planning, and an assist from Dad, we took the party to her. She arrived home to Matt, Caleb and I standing in her kitchen waving streaming and shouting, "Surprise!" We grilled out, ate cake and played! The surprises continued as the guests began to arrive via Skype. A beautiful day celebrating a beautiful woman, my Mom!

All we need now is the birthday girl!
Giving me his best, "Surprise!"

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

Let's eat cake!

Here Grandma, let me give you a hand with that.
I am an expert present opener you know!

No caption needed!

Life is good!
We just love having them near!

Talking planes with Papa

Play time!

Visiting the petting zoo with Papa!

Happy Birthday, Mom!