Happy Fall!

Happy Fall!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Caleb's One Request

My one request, during our visit, was to see the water. Caleb's one request was to play with the train. Matt and his Grandpa played with this train when he was young and now Caleb enjoys it with his Papa. Caleb watched as Papa carefully connected the track and cars. Caleb loaded the cargo and the train made its way around the track again and again and again.

Matt and Grandpa
August 1986

Caleb and Papa
August 2012

Papa had socks on so Caleb had to have socks on

Connecting the cars
Getting ready to add the caboose

Loading the cargo
Here we go

around and around

and around again!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Water Rocket Fun

In Gram's bag of treasures, Caleb found a water rocket! He just had to try it out immediately, so outside we went. There was no time to get dressed; his pajamas would have to do. This was an urgent matter! With assistance from Gram and Papa and a little bit of water, the rocket was ready for take off!


Blast Off
Awaiting the next big launch

Saturday, August 25, 2012

A Walk Down Handy Road

We enjoyed a couple strolls down Handy Road during our visit. Caleb enjoyed visiting the horse farm a few homes down. Gram and Papa's gracious neighbors introduced us to the horses, allowed us to feed them and even offered to put a saddle on one for Caleb. We opted to wait on the ride, but Caleb absolutely loved visiting the horses and touring the farm.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Gram's Garden Assistant

One of Caleb's favorite things, while at Gram and Papa Bob's, was assisting Gram in the garden. He made many discoveries with his magnifying glass or 'spyglass' as he calls it. He helped with watering, picking veggies and deadheading flowers. However, the very best part for him was sampling the green peppers and sharing them with Millie!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

A day at Kensington

Kensington Metropark was on the agenda for Monday! Caleb just received his very own Cars fishing pole from Papa Bob. He had practiced casting in the backyard and was eager to try it out in the water. Gram packed the cooler, and I grabbed my camera. We then made our way to Kensington. We began with the petting farm where Caleb got an up close look at the animals. Among the animals were nine piglets. After making the loop at the farm, we chose a picnic site and enjoyed lunch. It was a beautiful summer day! We made our way back through the park in search of the playground and fishing pier. Along the way, we saw two white-tailed deer. After discovering the playground equipment was too hot for his liking, Caleb grabbed his fishing pole and headed for the lake. He had to try out his pole from all sides of the pier. A young boy caught a blue gill, and Caleb watched as a man helped him pick up the fish and throw it back. We explored a little further down the lake where Caleb found big rocks and another pier to fish from. Here he had his catch of day, seaweed! Not too bad for fishing with a big rubber hook! On the way home, we stopped to view the field of sunflowers. Another great day enjoying Michigan with family!

All wore out after a day at Kensington!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Parker Mill Park

It was finally here, the day we fly to Michigan! In fear of the alarm not going off, very little sleep was had. My emotional, 27 hour day began at 4:00 am. After getting ready, loading the vehicle and leaving pictures and notes for Daddy throughout the house, we began our journey north to Phoenix. Caleb's excitement continued to build as he began to see planes making their approach into Sky Harbor. Once inside, Caleb kept asking Daddy if he could go with us, just a little further. After several hugs and kisses and then more hugs and kisses, we made our way through security and waved to Daddy until he was out of sight. We were on our way. We were met in Detroit by a very excited Gram and Papa and our 18 day adventure began. We left the airport and made our way to Parker Mill Park to stretch our legs and enjoy a picnic supper of Papa's famous chicken and cookies for dessert. I had only one request, and that was to spend time near the water. That request was granted the very first day as Parker Mill Park sits along a beautiful creek. Caleb enjoyed running, exploring and throwing sticks in the water. The park was a taste of all that I love about the great state of Michigan, and a perfect way to begin our journey.

Michigan, here we come!

Taking in the sights and sounds of Fleming Creek at Parker Mill Park

Reluctantly pausing for a pic with Mommy

Throwing sticks into the river and watching them come out the other side 

Wanting a view inside the log cabin, but couldn't find a way in 

They don't grow 'em this big in Tucson

One more trip to the creek before heading to Gram and Papa's house 

Always collecting sticks